MOKAWIL ABROAD – 3rd phase

MOKAWIL ABROAD – 3rd phase

Version française
French version

Find new markets for your business ? Relaunch your business? Have a new business?  Increase your turnover?  Overcome the impact of covid19 on your business ?

The Junior Chamber International, under the lead of JCI Casablanca, will help you achieve your goal by accompanying you and putting you in contact with a large network of companies around the world, GRANUALLY.

JCI Casablanca had designed a program called « Mokawil Abroad » which aimed to support Moroccan companies to promote their business worldwide in 3 phases. Under the considerable impact of Covid19 on businesses worldwide, JCI Casablanca in concert with all local JCI organizations has expanded this program to a global scale. Thus, all companies, regardless of their location, can benefit from the « Mokawil Abroad » project

How can " Mokawil Abroad " help my business grow?

The winning companies  » Mokawil Abroad «  will mainly benefit from:

  • Direct contact with other companies operating in your or other countries to establish contacts and collaborative projects as customers or suppliers.
  • International media coverage, through the communication channels of various local JCI organizations
  • Free attendance to networking conferences scheduled by various local JCI organizations worldwide

How to participate in the “Mokawil Abroad” program?

To benefit from the “Mokawil abroad” program follow the following steps:

The eligibility conditions to participate in  » Mokawil Abroad «  are:

  • Being a company with a minimum of one year old,
  • The country, age and nationality are not imposing conditions,
  • The program will be conducted in French and English, the representative of the company must master one of the two languages,
  • The validity of the reliability of the company will be made through the local JCI organization  (JCI OLM) that you have chosen in your registration form.

Declaration on honor: click here

Participation form: click here

What is the timeline of " Mokawil Abroad " ?

  • Application: July 2020 to September 20, 2020 (at 23:00 GMT)
  • Choice of beneficiary companies: September 21, 2020 – September 30, 2020
  • Start of the « Mokawil Abroad » networking program for the beneficiary companies: October 2020

Useful links